Sanki Mayor has discovered that targeting the mitochondria is the key to longevity and preventing chronic diseases such as aging, diabetes, and obesity. Twenty years of experience studying fermentation has led us to create a Japanese Fermentation Technology which when applied to plant extracts, creates unique metabolites. The Japanese Fermentation Technology improves digestibility, bioavailability, and efficacy of polyphenols and other bioactive in order to target and manipulate mitochondrial function and develop mitochondria-based solutions. Sanki Mayor includes doctors and scientists from Japan, France, and Spain.
The team of Sanki-Mayor includes doctors, scientists from France, Spain and Japan. Our aim is to provide the consumer health solutions that work proven by clinical trials and backed by scientific data.
Founded to bring a credible and concrete solution to the metabolic syndrome and obesity problems. This high sense of responsibility requires a 360-degree vision to ensure that research and development meets consumer’s needs.
Established in 2001 in Lyon, France. The laboratory started as Clinical Research Organization (CRO), realizing clinical trials for the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. With its in-vivo know-how, Mayor focused on developing high efficiency ingredients, using its specific fermentation platform.

Mika Tsuneyoshi
We collaborate with other institutions to bring the maximum results from our research and production

Healthy cooking fails because it does not satisfy human. We need pleasure and happiness that delicious food can offer. DELHEA is about how to produce DELICIOUS but healthier food joining happiness and HEALTH together.

The Oceanic Science Institute (OSI) started his operations in 2012 in Japan with the support of various scientists from Japan and Europewilling to promote the importanceof marine and oceans studies.
Its members, scientists, professors and researchers, are dedicated to provide and share elements of oceanresearch and oceanography, marine ecosystems and environmental science.